VBA Trivial Pursuit
Posted on September 15, 2012.
This is a .xlsm file so you need to enable macros! For those using versions prior to Excel 2007, I have programmed it to use the ribbon but the game may still work.
Playing the Game

During the course of the game you will roll the dice and choose to move clockwise or counter-clockwise around the board. If you land on a white space, nothing happens. If you land on a colored space you will be asked a question related to the color category listed to the right of the board. These categories can be renamed to whatever categories you desire.

If the player answers the trivia question correctly, that category is marked as “completed” for the given player. After capturing all categories, you will automatically advance to the final (center) space where you will be asked a question relating to the black category. If you answer this question correctly, you will win the game.

Trivia Questions

In order to change the trivia questions, click on the “Questions” spreadsheet and change the question accordingly. Make sure you remember to change the multiple choice answer.

  1. This game does not work as a one-player game but does support up to four players. In order to change the number of players, manually type the number of players you would like to play with and click the new game button.
  2. This version of the game only has support for 10 questions per category. I built it that way as I originally designed this to work for my class. With a few modifications, this could support more questions. You would need to change some of the coding and information in the hidden columns on the first spreadsheet.
  3. All questions are setup as multiple choice questions rather than the original Trivial Pursuit style question.